RTLI Impact

The Rising Tide Leadership Institute (RTLI) links the performance skills and leadership development that women achieve by competing in high-technology sports with the organizational leadership excellence needed to compete and succeed in life.

Venn Diagram

Process for Excellence/Leadership
RTLI will use women’s participation in high-technology sports competitions to demonstrate that the process that produces consistent success in high performance teams and individuals mirrors the process for organizational excellence that will develop women leaders and equip them with skills needed to compete and succeed.

High-Technology Sports
Sailing, aviation and motor sports are high-technology sports with massive global audiences. Expertise in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) are essential to drive development, foster innovation and improve industry standards. Development and management issues in high-technology sports mirror the dynamic complexities faced by global organizations.

Women competing in high-technology sports team environments:
• Create high-performance female role models
• Generate global audience and awareness for high-performance women leaders
• Increase acceptance/value of women leaders in non-gender specific environments